
Friday, December 12, 2008

About MusArt Edu Hut

We are formed by a group of professional musicians from Singapore Chinese Orchestra. NaFa, Young Siew Toh Conservatory (NUS) and Shanghai and China Conservatory.

Under Mr Lee Hoon Piek

Currenlty conduct Violin enrichment .string ensemble at Nan Hua , Rulang,Yew Tee, Northland,Hong Wen,Gongshan,Tonjong Katong,Princess Elizaberth. Pr Schs,

Chinese Orchestra at Nan Hau Sec,Hwa Chong Institution,Lead By Mr Ng Boon Chai

Our Percussionist Mr Ngoh Kheng Seng ,1) Nus SYO 2) Nus SCO 3) R I Chinese Orchestra

His CV can Visit

Digital Music will lead by Mr Moey and Gerald Both are composer

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